All ready for the inauguration of a new public library in Rome. Wednesday, October 19, at 16 Via del Pigneto 22, ribbon cutting for the "Goffredo Mameli," asto space devoted to reading.
Radagasth - 24/10/2011 00:56:23

All ready for the inauguration of a new public library in Rome. Wednesday, October 19, at 16 Via del Pigneto 22, ribbon cutting for the "Goffredo Mameli", a vast space devoted to reading and multimedia libraries of Rome opens the Pigneto - caught the neighborhood par excellence of the Roman eastern suburbs - named after Mameli in tribute to 150 years of the Unification of Italy.
Large the parterre of the authorities present at the baptism of the new library: the Minister of Youth Giorgia Meloni, the mayor, Gianni Alemanno, Councillor Dino Gasperini capitulate to cultural policies, the president of the Culture Federico Mollicone, president of the VI Hall Gianmarco Palmieri President of Libraries of Rome Francesco Antonelli.
600 square meters, 23 thousand volumes, Internet stations, reading areas in the open, books in foreign languages and in Braille, meeting room, a newspaper library, screening room, children section, refreshment: the "Goffredo Mameli" is a candidate to become the main cultural center in a suburb of the most densely populated of Rome, with many young people, many immigrants (especially Asians, Africans and Arabs) and the University Sapienza in one step. Strategic position on the main street Pigneto film set in the past for filmmakers in search of an atmosphere typical hinterland Capitoline.
Already in the works - promises to be a note of Libraries of Rome - meetings and events "for everyone and for everyone: young and old, students and children." To provide "qualified services" as an antidote, among other things, the risk of social deprivation that prevails in the suburbs.
The opening ceremony starts at 16 with reading, animation, the bandwidth of the Capital Police of Rome, and video projection, at 19, a show ("Voice of Italy") based on readings and music. In the days following, then, the festival continues with other readings, other shows, other meetings